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  • Effective Termite Control

    • Don't Termites Only Attack Old, Run-Down Buildlings?
      It is a common misconception that termites only infest decaying buildings. In reality, termites have actually been found in buildings as early as four days after construction. Every building fabricated wholly or partly of wood is susceptible. Chemical or mechanical barriers can be established in the construction stage to prevent or discourage termite infestations in new homes.
    • How Much Damage Can Termites Really Cause?
      Termites eat constantly; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This means damage to wood in and around a structure can happen extremely fast. In fact, it is estimated that termites cause $5 billion in property damage each year in the U.S. If you are suspicious of termite activity on your property, don't hesitate to contact Action's termite exterminators today!
    • How Do I Get Rid Of Termites?
      Getting rid of termites is a difficult task because colonies may be several feet from the structure and termites are masters at avoiding detection until they’ve caused extensive damage. If you have a termite problem or want to make sure your home is termite free, Action Pest Control can help!
    • Why Choose Action Pest Control?

      Why should you trust Action Pest Control to take care of your pest pressures? What separates us from our competitors? We call it the “Action Advantage”. Action Pest Control is a QualityPro certified company with access to state of the art pest technology. We put high priority on customer satisfaction and realize the importance of keeping your home and family safe from pests. We are proud to offer environmentally friendly service options to homes and businesses in our area.

      With board-certified entomolgists on staff and over 70 state-certified pest management professionals, you know you're getting the best of the best. We provide 24-hour emergency service response as well as convenient billing with online payment options. If you are in need of pest control services you can trust, call Action Pest Control today!

  • Effective Spider Control

    • Why Do I Have A Spider Problem?
      Spiders are predatory creatures, often feeding on other small insects like flies, crickets, and even other spiders. When their outdoor food source becomes scarce, they tend to move indoors in search of food. Spiders can gain access to your home through the smallest of openings, like damaged screens and cracks under doors and windows. Unfortunately, spiders come into our homes by hiding in storage containers, home décor, and other items that we transfer into our living spaces.
    • Can't I Get Rid Of Spiders Myself?
      Getting rid of spiders in your home can be tricky because there are many potential hiding places for these elusive pests. If misused or misapplied, homeowners may be exposed to over-the-counter pesticides and other treatment products unnecessarily. The trustworthy professionals from Action Pest Control participate in ongoing training to ensure our techniques are effective and how our applications are applied to minimize any potential risk for our customers.
    • Are Spiders Dangerous?
      Spiders are considered by many to be nuisance pests, and even if bitten by a spider, very few have the sufficient amount of venom to have adverse effects on a human. However, black widow spiders and brown recluse spiders are the exceptions and can be quite dangerous. The venom from these poisonous spiders can cause serious reactions if left untreated. If you think a poisonous spider has bitten you, you should seek medical attention immediately.
    • Why Choose Action Pest Control?

      Why should you trust Action Pest Control to take care of your pest pressures? What separates us from our competitors? We call it the "Action Advantage." Action Pest Control is a company with access to state-of-the-art pest technology. We prioritize customer satisfaction and realize the importance of keeping your home and family safe from pests. We are proud to offer environmentally friendly service options to homes and businesses in our area.

      With board-certified entomologists on staff and over 70 state-certified pest management professionals, you know you're getting the best of the best. We provide 24-hour emergency service response as well as convenient billing with online payment options. If you require pest control services you can trust, call Action Pest Control today!

  • Effective Rodent Control

    • Why Do I Have A Rodent Problem?
      Rodents are scavengers and will search fiercely to find food and shelter. If there is a way into your home, they will find it! Mice only need an opening the size of a dime, while rats can get into your home with a hole the size of a quarter. At Action Pest Control, we offer effective rat control and mouse control services for your home. Once we have removed the rodent problem from your home, our rodent specialists will recommend an effective rodent prevention plan for your home.
    • How Do I Get Rid Of Rats & Mice?
      Getting rid of mice and rats is challenging and a job better left to Action's licensed rodent exterminators. Our pest professionals will start by thoroughly inspecting your property to find entry points and infestation areas to get rid of mice and rats in your home. Next, we will customize a plan unique to your rodent problem and recommend the best plan of Action.
    • Are Mice & Rats Dangerous?
      For being so small, mice and rats can cause quite a bit of damage! A rodent's front teeth continuously grow, meaning they have to gnaw to keep them short. They may chew on your furniture, clothes, papers, or other belongings. They are also known to chew on wires, which creates a significant fire hazard in your home. On top of this, they are extremely unsanitary and can spread diseases and viruses to you and your family.
    • Why Choose Action Pest Control?

      Why should you trust Action Pest Control to take care of your pest pressures? What separates us from our competitors? We call it the "Action Advantage." Action Pest Control is a company with access to state-of-the-art pest technology. We prioritize customer satisfaction and realize the importance of keeping your home and family safe from pests. We are proud to offer environmentally friendly service options to homes and businesses in our area.

      With board-certified entomologists on staff and over 70 state-certified pest management professionals, you know you're getting the best of the best. We provide 24-hour emergency service response as well as convenient billing with online payment options. If you require pest control services you can trust, call Action Pest Control today!

  • Effective Pest Control

    • Do I Really Need Pest Control Year-Round?
      It is a common misconception that pests are only active during the warmer months. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Termites, for example, are active year-round, causing costly damage for homeowners, regardless of the season. Mice are constantly searching for food, and the most accessible place to find it could be your home. Although you may not see them, don’t be fooled! Many pests tend to lurk in walls and other areas, where they remain well out of sight. All the while, they could be multiplying and causing more damage in their increased numbers. Pests are a hazard to your home, and some pests, like cockroaches and rodents, are known carriers of bacteria and disease.
    • What's The Best Way To Eliminate A Pest Problem?
      Prevention is always the best method for keeping your home free from pests. Still, if you already have a pest problem, the best option for getting rid of them involves utilizing our pest control professionals. Action's exterminators can effectively identify the source of your pest problem and take steps to control whatever is bugging you by using a home pest control program.
    • Why Can't I Get Rid Of Pests Myself?
      Unfortunately, the majority of homeowners don't have much success in eliminating household pests on their own. Many do-it-yourself repellents, sprays, and traps to rid your property of common pests do not work as the chemicals they use are ineffective. The other problem with DIY products is that they can be very dangerous to people and pets if they are misused or mixed improperly and can even run the risk of making your pest problem more severe.
    • Why Choose Action Pest Control?

      Why should you trust Action Pest Control to take care of your pest pressures? What separates us from our competitors? We call it the "Action Advantage." Action Pest Control is a company with access to state-of-the-art pest technology. We prioritize customer satisfaction and realize the importance of keeping your home and family safe from pests. We are proud to offer environmentally friendly service options to homes and businesses in our area.

      With board-certified entomologists on staff and over 70 state-certified pest management professionals, you know you're getting the best of the best. We provide 24-hour emergency service response as well as convenient billing with online payment options. If you require pest control services you can trust, call Action Pest Control today!

  • Effective Mosquito Control

    • Why Do I Have A Mosquito Problem?
      Mosquitoes gravitate to properties with standing water areas like pools, ponds, birdbaths, tree trunks, clogged gutters, or other areas of standing water. Typically they will hide during the day in high grass, bushes, or thick vegetation when the temperature is the hottest. They are most active during the early morning and twilight hours when the temperatures are lower.
    • Can I Get Rid Of Mosquitoes Myself?
      Keeping mosquitoes away is a daunting task for any property owner. Mosquitoes are never be eliminated entirely from your property because millions of them live and breed everywhere. They are tough to stop because they will travel many miles to find a meal. The best way to control mosquitoes on your property is through mosquito control programs provided by professional pest control experts.
    • Are Mosquitoes Dangerous?
      Mosquitoes are well known as transmitters of disease and illness to humans, domestic animals, and wildlife. They are persistent, annoying, and for many, their bites are the cause of itchy, irritated skin and discomfort. Among the viruses known to be carried by mosquitoes are Zika, West Nile, malaria, dengue fever, and in some cases, yellow fever. They are also responsible for spreading the potentially fatal heartworm disease in dogs, cats, and other mammals.
    • Why Choose Action Pest Control?

      Why should you trust Action Pest Control to take care of your pest pressures? What separates us from our competitors? We call it the "Action Advantage." Action Pest Control is a company with access to state-of-the-art pest technology. We prioritize customer satisfaction and realize the importance of keeping your home and family safe from pests. We are proud to offer environmentally friendly service options to homes and businesses in our area.

      With board-certified entomologists on staff and over 70 state-certified pest management professionals, you know you're getting the best of the best. We provide 24-hour emergency service response as well as convenient billing with online payment options. If you require pest control services you can trust, call Action Pest Control today!

  • Effective Mole Control

    • Why Do I Have A Mole Problem?
      There are two significant reasons that moles are digging in your yard; they are either traveling or feeding. Moles hunt for insects and worms underground. They also use tunnels to travel between their feeding areas and their den. If you are suspicious of mole activity on your property, don't wait to contact Action's mole exterminators today!
    • What Do Mole Hills Look Like?
      Molehills are small mounds of dirt shaped like volcanoes that will begin popping up around your yard. The plants and grass in the surrounding areas may start dying as well, which is usually a good sign that there are mole problems in your yard. A professional mole control expert will be able to determine mole presence on your property.
    • Is Mole Control An Effective Solution?
      Yes! When it comes to mole removal, trapping is the best choice. At Action Pest Control, we have been helping folks with our mole control services for years. Our methods are time-tested with proven results. Contact us today to learn more about how to get rid of moles on your property effectively!
    • Why Choose Action Pest Control?

      Why should you trust Action Pest Control to take care of your pest pressures? What separates us from our competitors? We call it the “Action Advantage.” Action Pest Control is a company with access to state-of-the-art pest technology. We prioritize customer satisfaction and realize the importance of keeping your home and family safe from pests. We are proud to offer environmentally friendly service options to homes and businesses in our area.

      With board-certified entomologists on staff and over 70 state-certified pest management professionals, you know you're getting the best of the best. We provide 24-hour emergency service response as well as convenient billing with online payment options. If you require pest control services you can trust, call Action Pest Control today!

  • Effective Fumigation Services

    • Do I Need To Fumigate?
      Fumigation can benefit multiple industries, including lumber export, food, pharmaceutical plants, and feed manufacturers and warehouses. Fumigation is an efficient and effective way to remove pests from large industrial structures. Often removing the entire pest problem can be hard to do. Going straight to the source of the problem is essential, and with fumigation, we can do exactly that.
    • What's The Best Way To Eliminate A Pest Problem?
      Prevention is always the best method for keeping your structure free from pests. Still, if you already have a pest problem, the best option for getting rid of them involves utilizing our pest control professionals. Action's exterminators can effectively identify the source of your pest problem and take steps to control whatever is bugging you.
    • Why Can't I Get Rid Of Pests Myself?
      Unfortunately, most building owners don't have much success in eliminating common pests on their own. Many do-it-yourself repellents, sprays, and traps to rid your property of common pests do not work as the chemicals they use are ineffective. The other problem with DIY products is that they can be very dangerous to people and pets if they are misused or mixed improperly and can even run the risk of making your pest problem more severe.
    • Why Choose Action Pest Control?

      Why should you trust Action Pest Control to take care of your pest pressures? What separates us from our competitors? We call it the "Action Advantage." Action Pest Control is a company with access to state-of-the-art pest technology. We prioritize customer satisfaction and realize the importance of keeping your home and family safe from pests. We are proud to offer environmentally friendly service options to homes and businesses in our area.

      With board-certified entomologists on staff and over 70 state-certified pest management professionals, you know you're getting the best of the best. We provide 24-hour emergency service response as well as convenient billing with online payment options. If you need pest control services you can trust, call Action Pest Control today!

  • Effective Flea Control

    • Why Do I Have A Flea Problem?
      Fleas are parasitic pests that feed on the blood of mammals, including people, pets, and many wild animals. Fleas are generally introduced onto a property by raccoons, foxes, mice, squirrels, and other animals. Once on your property, fleas commonly make their way inside by catching a ride on you or your pets.
    • Are Fleas Dangerous?
      Yes, fleas can be dangerous to your pets and possibly your family. Fleas carry and transmit many diseases, and while rare, they can spread murine typhus and the plague. They are also intermediate hosts of dog tapeworm and rodent tapeworm. Flea bites produce raised red, itchy bumps on the skin. If the bites are continuously scratched open, they may become infected and require medical attention.
    • Can I Get Rid Of Fleas Myself?
      Once fleas have invaded a home, they can be challenging to treat. They breed very quickly, and all of the adults, larvae, and eggs need to be found and treated, or else a re-infestation will promptly occur. The best way to get rid of fleas is with the help of a professional pest control company, like Action Pest Control. Contact us today to learn more about our flea control services!
    • Why Choose Action Pest Control?

      Why should you trust Action Pest Control to take care of your pest pressures? What separates us from our competitors? We call it the "Action Advantage." Action Pest Control is a company with access to state-of-the-art pest technology. We prioritize customer satisfaction and realize the importance of keeping your home and family safe from pests. We are proud to offer environmentally friendly service options to homes and businesses in our area.

      With board-certified entomologists on staff and over 70 state-certified pest management professionals, you know you're getting the best of the best. We provide 24-hour emergency service response as well as convenient billing with online payment options. If you require pest control services you can trust, call Action Pest Control today!

  • Effective Cockroach Control

    • Why Do I Have A Cockroach Problem?
      We receive calls from homeowners and business owners all the time who are seeing cockroaches. Cockroaches do not enter a home because it is dirty – they are opportunistic and are looking for food, water, and shelter. However, once in your home, they will see no good reason to leave, especially if they have easy access to the things they need.
    • Why Can't I Get Rid Of Cockroaches Myself?
      Cockroaches are nearly impossible to remove without the help of a licensed cockroach exterminator. These pests can survive under the harshest of pressures, including living with no head. The best way to kill cockroaches is with the help and guidance of a pest professional.
    • What Problems Can Roaches Cause My Family?
      Roaches caste-off debris when they shed their skins which can trigger allergies and asthma, particularly in children. Dead cockroach bodies and their droppings can also aggravate existing allergies. Additionally, these pests live in bathrooms and dumpsters and can transfer dangerous bacteria to food and food preparation areas.
    • Why Choose Action Pest Control?

      Why should you trust Action Pest Control to take care of your pest pressures? What separates us from our competitors? We call it the "Action Advantage." Action Pest Control is a company with access to state-of-the-art pest technology. We prioritize customer satisfaction and realize the importance of keeping your home and family safe from pests. We are proud to offer environmentally friendly service options to homes and businesses in our area.

      With board-certified entomologists on staff and over 70 state-certified pest management professionals, you know you're getting the best of the best. We provide 24-hour emergency service response as well as convenient billing with online payment options. If you require pest control services you can trust, call Action Pest Control today!

  • Effective Bird Control

    • Do I Really Need Bird Control?
      Pest birds cause tens of millions worth of damage to properties across the country every year. Bird droppings and nesting materials can contribute to serious health risks, including viral infections and respiratory ailments. Getting rid of pest birds is crucial to keeping your home or business clean and safe.
    • What's The Best Way To Eliminate A Pest Problem?
      Prevention is always the best method for keeping your home or business free from pests. Still, if you already have a pest problem, the best option for getting rid of them involves utilizing our pest control professionals. Action's exterminators can effectively identify the source of your pest problem and take steps to control whatever is bugging you.
    • Why Can't I Get Rid Of Pests Myself?
      Unfortunately, most home and business owners don't have much success in eliminating household pests on their own. Many do-it-yourself repellents, sprays, and traps to rid your property of common pests do not work as the chemicals they use are ineffective. The other problem with DIY products is that they can be very dangerous to people and pets if they are misused or mixed improperly and can even run the risk of making your pest problem more severe.
    • Why Choose Action Pest Control?

      Why should you trust Action Pest Control to take care of your pest pressures? What separates us from our competitors? We call it the "Action Advantage." Action Pest Control is a company with access to state-of-the-art pest technology. We prioritize customer satisfaction and realize the importance of keeping your home or business safe from pests. We are proud to offer environmentally friendly service options to homes and businesses in our area.

      With board-certified entomologists on staff and over 70 state-certified pest management professionals, you know you're getting the best of the best. We provide 24-hour emergency service response as well as convenient billing with online payment options. If you need pest control services you can trust, call Action Pest Control today!

  • Effective Bed Bug Control

    • How Do I Know If I Have Bed Bugs?
      Indications of a bed bug infestation in your home can include: red, itchy welts on the skin's surface; red or brown fecal spots on bedding or upholstery; molted bed bug skins. Severe infestations may have a sweet-smelling odor associated with them. Unfortunately, bed bugs are an elusive pest and can be difficult to locate through traditional inspection methods. At Action Pest Control, we utilize certified bed bug detection K-9's, trained to sniff out a single live bed bug.
    • What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?
      Bed bugs are small, oval-shaped insects that are about the size of an apple seed. They are often red to brown and are very flat insects. Bed bug eggs would be much more difficult to spot with the naked eye. These eggs are white and are about the size of two grains of salt. Action's trained and experienced bed bug exterminators will be able to help identify a bed bug problem on your property quickly.
    • Why Can't I Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Myself?
      Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to eliminate on your own. The reason is due to their size and reproduction habits. They are so small that they can fit in very tight places. They even hide behind wallpaper. Also, female bed bugs lay a large amount of eggs. Adult females deposit up to five eggs a day in several locations, both on and away from the bed. An adult female may lay up to 500 eggs in a year.
    • Why Choose Action Pest Control?

      Why should you trust Action Pest Control to take care of your pest pressures? What separates us from our competitors? We call it the “Action Advantage”. Action Pest Control is a company with access to state-of-the-art pest technology. We put high priority on customer satisfaction and realize the importance of keeping your home and family safe from pests. We are proud to offer environmentally friendly service options to homes and businesses in our area.

      With board-certified entomologists on staff and over 70 state-certified pest management professionals, you know you're getting the best of the best. We provide 24-hour emergency service response as well as convenient billing with online payment options. If you are in need of pest control services you can trust, call Action Pest Control today!

  • Effective Ant Control

    • Why Do I Have An Ant Problem?
      Ants are notorious for invading homes, mainly because they are foraging food (commonly sweets, starches, and liquids) or water sources. They can easily find entrances into homes through small gaps in your foundation, exterior walls, around doors and windows, and many other areas of your home. Once ants find a food supply in your home, they will return to collect it and bring it back to their nests. Ants can also be very problematic inside a home because of how rapidly they can reproduce and how difficult they are to control.
    • Does DIY Ant Control Work?
      DIY (do-it-yourself) ant control is not an effective way to eliminate ants because it does not treat the cause of the problem—ant nesting areas. DIY ant control will only treat and potentially kill ants that you see inside your home. It will do nothing to keep ants from building future colonies around the home. DIY ant control can also cause foraging ants to split from the main nest site (to avoid repellants) and make your ant problem worse by forcing the ants to create new colonies.
    • How Do I Know If I Have Ants Or Termites?
      Ants have bodies with a pinched waist and an elbowed antenna. Termites antennae are straight, and their bodies are wide without the pinched waist section. A professional ant exterminator from Action Pest Control will be able to identify the pest that is causing you problems quickly!
    • Why Choose Action Pest Control?

      Why should you trust Action Pest Control to take care of your pest pressures? What separates us from our competitors? We call it the "Action Advantage." Action Pest Control is a company with access to state-of-the-art pest technology. We prioritize customer satisfaction and realize the importance of keeping your home and family safe from pests. We are proud to offer environmentally friendly service options to homes and businesses in our area.

      With board-certified entomologists on staff and over 70 state-certified pest management professionals, you know you're getting the best of the best. We provide 24-hour emergency service response as well as convenient billing with online payment options. If you need pest control services you can trust, call Action Pest Control today!

  • Action FAQs

    • Are the materials you use safe?
      All pesticides are inherently poisonous and our state-certified technicians are trained to handle them with respect to human safety and the environment. Action Pest Control believes strongly in choosing the safest approach to solving each pest occurrence and of course, all materials we use are registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    • Do I have to sign a long-term contract?
      No, absolutely not! Some of our service agreements do ask for a one-year commitment; however, none of our contracts are binding. If you decide that you no longer want our service, there is absolutely no penalty for cancellation.
    • Do the pesticides you use cause cancer?
      No. None of the pesticides we use have any carcinogenic effects as established through pre-registration laboratory testing required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    • Does the treatment have an odor?
      No. All our applications are odorless or have low-odor alternatives. Ask your Action pest professional if you have concerns about what you should expect for specific treatments.
    • Do you utilize any non-chemical methods of control?
      Action Pest Control practices Integrated Pest Management (IPM) which utilizes many non-chemical control techniques such as sanitation, harborage reduction, exclusion, sealing, mechanical controls, and environmental management.
    • How long does treatment last?
      Treatment effectiveness varies by type of pest, the likelihood of re-infestation, and product longevity. Ask your Action pest professional about your particular circumstance and they can give you a realistic estimate.
    • I am considering a do-it-yourself alternative. What is the bottom line on pesticide risk?
      The danger of any pesticide is all about exposure. The do-it-yourselfer often chooses over-the-counter products that are much more toxic than the professional materials we utilize. To compound this mistake, the homeowner is not trained in the application methods we utilize that virtually eliminate any exposure to people and pets. If you eliminate exposure, then you eliminate risk.
    • What does Action do for bird control?
      Action offers a variety of bird control services in Indiana, Kentucky, and Illinois. Our services include Exclusion systems utilizing the Bird-B-Gone products, Roost & Nest Removal, Flock Disbursement, Flock Reduction, and Roost Decontamination.
    • Why should I hire a Pest Management Professional?
      Your home is usually your greatest financial asset and pest and termite control can be difficult due to varying structural elements and soil conditions. We have access to such resources as specialized products, tools, and training that help us successfully eliminate your pest and termite infestations, which most homeowners simply don't have.
  • Commercial

    • Are recurring services necessary?
      If your goal is to both rid your business of active pests and keep pests out in the future, then recurring services are very important. While our treatments are extremely effective at eliminating and preventing pests, they begin to break down over time. By providing ongoing services to your business regularly, we maintain its protection and keep it pest-free.
    • Do your treatment methods comply with our industry standards?
      Every industry operates under certain guidelines, standards, and laws. When we develop your pest control program, we'll address those standards to ensure we are complying with your industry's protocols.
    • How does your scheduling work?
      We understand that treating pest problems in a business setting can be difficult. You need discretion and the least disruptive service possible. That's why we will work with you to develop a service schedule that works for your business's particular needs.
    • What industries do you service?
      We provide our pest control services to a wide range of industries. These include nursing homes, hospitals, and other healthcare providers, schools, homeowner's associations, condos, and apartment buildings, warehouses, churches, camps and cabins, office buildings, and storage facilities. If you don't see your industry listed above, please contact us to see if we can help!
  • Rodents

    • How do you control rodents?
      Rodents are dangerous pests that spread illnesses and cause serious damage to your house. Controlling a rodent infestation requires skill, experience, and attention to detail. Action Pest Control provides rodent control using a variety of methods that are proven to work.
    • How to control pests and rodents?
      A home that is unprotected can easily become infested by pests and rodents. In order to control them, you need the proper pest or rodent control systems in place. While you can do some pest control yourself, professional pest control gives you the extra peace of mind.
    • How much does rodent control cost?
      Each rodent infestation is unique and requires a different combination of treatment methods. If you have a rodent problem, we'll perform an inspection of your home, then provide you with a quote based on the treatment plan we draw up for your house.
    • What is rodent control?
      Rodent control is a combination of services and treatments designed to remove rodents from your home and prevent future infestations. These services and treatments include setting up traps and bait stations and performing sanitation and exclusion work.
  • Termites

    • How can I choose a termite control company?
      When choosing a company for termite control, you want to look for a fully licensed company that warranties their service and uses the most effective products in the industry. Action Pest Control meets all of these standards.
    • How can I control termites in my lawn?
      If there are termites on your lawn, it's only a matter of time before they enter your house. Now is the time to take action to eliminate them before they get inside. Our termite control treatments don't only eliminate termites in your home but will also take care of the termites on your lawn.
    • How can I control termites in soil?
      Although termites in your soil are something to be concerned about, it's better to find them there than in your house. However, it's still important to contact us for professional termite control immediately, so they don't have a chance to get into your home.
    • How can I control termites in wood?
      If termites have gotten into the wood in your house, you need professional termite control. They will not leave on their own, and do-it-yourself treatment methods are not effective at eliminating a termite colony.
    • What is the average cost of termite control?
      The cost of termite control can vary from home to home. Pricing will depend in part on the size of your home and whether you have an active infestation or not. When we inspect your house, we'll provide you with a quote for our services before proceeding.
  • Mosquitoes

    • Can pest control get rid of mosquitoes?
      No pest control treatment will eliminate mosquitoes entirely. However, with our two-step mosquito control service, we can greatly reduce their numbers on your property and keep them low with monthly re-treatments.
    • Do mosquito control services work?
      When you choose to have professional mosquito control performed on your property, you will see a dramatic reduction in the mosquito populations around your yard. By maintaining monthly treatments, these results will continue.
    • How can I control mosquitoes?
      The best way to control mosquitoes on your own is to follow our mosquito prevention tips and eliminate as many areas of standing water on your property as possible. For the areas you can't eliminate, you need monthly mosquito control from Action Pest Control.
    • How can I control mosquitoes in my yard?
      Eliminating the areas of standing water necessary for mosquitoes to breed is the first step in effectively controlling the mosquitoes in your yard. You'll then need the services of a pest control company that can treat adult mosquitoes.
  • Mole

    • Can professional pest control get rid of moles?
      If you’ve started seeing the telltale signs of mole infestation, you should call a professional mole removal expert immediately for help. Only a professional service will be able to identify the source and ascertain the severity of your mole problem before using a methodical approach to eliminate the mole presence around your property. The professionals at Action Pest Control know exactly how moles operate and what it takes to stop them. Between our industry-leading technology and our winning methodology, there is no mole problem too big for us to solve. Give us a call for more information and specifics about our mole removal process.
    • How can I prevent moles and lawn pests?
      One of the best ways to prevent moles around your yard is to create a rock or wire trench around your property’s perimeter. By digging a 2-3 foot deep trench around your yard and filling it in with rocks or steel wire mesh that the moles can’t tunnel through, you can help minimize your risk of them finding their way into your yard proper. However, keep in mind that even using this method can have its downsides unless undertaken by a professional.
    • How much damage can moles cause to my lawn?
      Moles’ constant burrowing can be catastrophically destructive to grass, flower beds, and tree roots. In addition to damaging the overall health of your yard and plants, they can also cause extensive cosmetic damage that can ruin your home’s exterior appeal. Beyond direct damage, moles can also create destructive conditions that can lead to other problems, like weakening the structural integrity of your home’s foundations, creating pockets of pooling water across your yard, and leaving holes across the yard that could cause someone to trip and fall.
    • What are moles?
      Moles are carnivorous mammals that spend most of their lives underground. While they typically prefer to feed on insects and grubs they find, their persistent tunneling can be incredibly destructive to your garden and lawn, ruining your root structure and potentially creating entry points for other pests (like rodents) to get into your garden. High mole populations usually correlate with a correspondingly high presence of soil pests that they feed on.
  • Bed Bugs

    • Can pest control kill bed bugs?
      Effective bed bug control will kill the bed bugs in your home. This process can sometimes require more than one treatment. We'll inspect and re-treat your home if necessary.
    • How can I control bed bugs?
      While some do-it-yourself bed bug treatments can be effective, most homeowners choose to go the professional route.
    • What chemicals do pest control companies use for bed bugs?
      Typically, the most effective way to eliminate a bed bug infestation is by using a combination of chemical treatments. We use liquids, dusts, and aerosols that we must apply according to precise standards and with detailed care.
    • What does pest control do for bed bugs?
      Our bed bug control treatments are effective at eliminating bed bugs in all stages of development. We use a combination of treatment methods, including liquids and dusts to eradicate your infestation completely.
  • Ants

    • Can pest control get rid of ants?
      Effective ant control requires trained professionals who understand the differences between various species of ants, as well as what treatment methods work best for each species. When done properly, ant control is very effective at getting rid of ants.
    • How can I control crazy ants?
      Crazy ant colonies can become enormous, and they can cause serious problems when they infest your home. We specially design our crazy ant control to eliminate your crazy ant infestation so that your home remains secure.
    • How can I control fire ants?
      Fire ants are dangerous pests that cause painful stings. If you find a fire ant mound on your property, you do not want to try to treat it on your own because that can often make the problem worse. Instead, let the professionals handle the situation.
    • How much does pest control for ants cost?
      The cost of ant control depends on several factors, including the type of ants, the size of the infestation, and where the infestation is. For more information or to receive a quote for ant control services, please contact us.
  • Residential

    • How often should I do pest control?
      How often you have pest control services depends on several factors, such as an active pest problem. We offer monthly, bi-monthly, and quarterly service plans to meet your needs. In general, when you go over 90 days without service, the treatment starts to break down, and pests begin to return.
    • How much does residential pest control cost?
      Your residential pest control costs depend on several factors, including your house size and the service plan you choose. Please contact us to receive a customized quote.
    • Is pest control worth the money?
      Many people think it makes the most sense to hold off on pest control until a pest problem arises. Unfortunately, at that point, it's often more costly to take care of the pests and the damage they've done. With preventative pest control, you can save money in the long run.
    • What is residential pest control?
      Put simply; residential pest control is pest control to protect your home from pests. These services can include treatments to eliminate active pests, treatments to prevent future outbreaks, and services to help make your home and property less conducive to pest infestations.