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What Not to Do When You See Termites On Your Louisville Property

termites on wood

Wood-destroying insects can take your Louisville home or business away from you and very quickly. If you don’t have to leave your property permanently, you may be displaced for a bit. In a flash, you’ll have to make choices about where to stay. These pests can sneak up on you with their wreckage because they often hide in soil or inside of walls. Termites in Louisville are some of the worst to deal with.

When termites get going on wood, it releases key nutrients for tree and plant growth into the ground. This might sound strange, but some cultures are enamored with the bugs and consider them a delicacy. They’re a nightmare for most people, however. In America, a total of $5 billion is spent every year, trying to avoid or recoup from termites. Little backing comes from insurance companies. You must be prepared for deterrence. Learn more about “do it yourself” approaches and what Action Pest Control has to offer. 

How Do Termites Operate? What Are Infestation Signs?

In a termite colony, there are workers, soldiers, and swarmers. While the looks of each vary with subspecies, regional workers are grayish-white or white and 0.12 of an inch long. As they chip away on wood, soldiers shield them from threats. The yellow-brown bugs have rectangular heads and giant mandibles. Swarmers are brown, black, or yellow and ½ of an inch long. These winged specimens will build new nests when their current ones are overflowing and the mating season launches. Windows and fixtures are often their landing places because they love light. Seeing them marks an infestation. Additional pointers are:

  • Off-color and drooping drywall
  • Maze patterns, pinpoint holes, and mud tubes in walls
  • Tiles falling away and creaking floorboards
  • Noticing that paint is ballooning, stripping, or appears water damaged 
  • Finding heaps of fecal frass that resemble salt and pepper
  • Hollow sounding foundations 
  • Discovering the shed wings of swarmers

How Can Termites Be Prevented? Can “Do It Yourself” Termite Tricks Work?

Retail baits and liquids are typically the “at home” go-to for termites. Sometimes, vinegar, boric acid, and orange oil are relied upon. Placing wood beneath direct sunlight is a popular tactic too. These options have the potential to kill a few bugs, but that will be all. An infestation won’t subside, especially when multiple species are essentially immune to treatments. You need the expertise of a Louisville pest control professional to accurately recognize termite classes and pick the correct line of attack.

Goods from stores and self-made blends can be more hazardous than you think. Many are chemically based or have connected side effects. It’s easy to use items improperly, especially when label directions are usually complicated. This might intensify your termite issues and cause harm to others. You can’t afford to waste time and energy with these kinds of avenues because the colonies will be too large and spread out. The best independent termite prevention steps are:

  • Remove or refurbish decayed and ruined wood. 
  • Get moisture defects fixed right away, particularly those dampening wood.   
  • Make sure loose wood, like carpentry panels, doesn’t have contact with soil.   
  • Patch up cracks in foundations and utility lines.
  • Distance wood and greenery two feet from the property. 
  • Have annual inspections done by Action Pest Control. 

What Can Action Pest Control Do About Termites?

We at Action Pest Control have industrial-grade treatments for termites that are safe for humans, domestic animals, and vegetation. Our licensed technicians will employ Termidor® tools, Sentricon® Termite Colony Elimination Systems, and Green Sentricon® stations. These resources are made to infiltrate and eradicate entire colonies. Follow-up visits, guarantees, and warranties are available. Call today for a free inspection!