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What To Do About Spiders In Your Lexington Home

a dirty spider in a home

No one likes a creepy spider in their home, but the ones that can do more than just give you a fright can be downright dangerous. All spiders are evidence of larger problems because they only come inside to hunt insects that are already there. Learning how you can keep a step ahead of spider infestations will help you avoid the most serious of infestations -- and turning directly to the professionals for pest control in Lexington can save you time and money in the long run.

Typical House Spiders

Most spiders in Lexington are pretty much harmless. While all of them have venom and fangs, only a couple of local species has potent enough venom to harm people or larger animals. Even more dangerous ones, like black widows and brown recluses, rarely bite people and are typically nocturnal hunters. Generally speaking, spiders will leave you alone if you leave them alone. However, their annoying webs and presence around your property are indicative of something worse: existing pest populations. Spiders are nature’s reminder that pest infestations are the start of a long and potentially costly chain of events. An initial population moves in, either in search of food or shelter from the elements. Then, the pests that hunt those pests follow suit. Before you even realize they’re there, pests can number in the thousands and be impossible to root out without professional help. That’s why it’s better to keep up on early prevention rather than address these things as they pop up. To do that, you have to first understand how and why spiders get inside.

How & Why Spiders Enter Homes

Unlike their prey, spiders don’t enter homes because of the things that human activity provides. They don’t scrounge for food traces since they hunt all their food. They also don’t need to be indoors to survive the cold, as other small creatures do. Thanks to their unique circulatory systems, spiders don’t freeze out in the cold. Instead, they hang out for one reason alone: human properties mean other bugs will be attracted near. Often, spider populations have always been there, either thriving outside or within the voids of your home, and they’ve only become noticeable because their numbers have outgrown their old nesting and hunting grounds. Stopping this cycle of a pest infestation before it starts is much better than waiting for it to become prevalent.

Prevention Measures To Take

While the best way to keep up on pest prevention is with professional help, there are things that every homeowner can do to help their cause.

Keep up on the following to keep spiders out of your Lexington home:

  • Food storage: Spiders don’t care about the food in your pantry, but they will be attracted to areas of carelessly stored items by other pests, like ants and cockroaches.
  • Trash storage: Also keep in mind that your garbage is a target for scavenging pests. Spiders will lie in wait for accessible bins to attract their prey.
  • Crack sealing: Regularly checking your exterior for cracks or holes will clue you into potential access points before tiny pests can squeeze through them.

The Best Tip: Professional Help

The biggest takeaway is that pests are a vicious cycle. Even homeowners that address attractants and take steps to reduce their risk can still wind up with small pest infestations that attract larger ones. That’s why the best thing that anyone can do is contact the experts. Whether you need more tips or assistance on how to prevent pest populations, or if problems are already apparent, Action Pest Control is here to help. Let us get started on an inspection of your property right away, so we can look for evidence of pest activity anywhere on your property. We’ll implement effective prevention or elimination depending on your needs, stopping the cycle of pests in its tracks.

To keep spiders and other pests off your property, contact Action Pest Control today to get started and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Lexington.