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How To Tell If Your Evansville Property Has A Termite Problem

four termites on wood

If you don’t see any pests hanging around your Evansville home or business, that’s promising. However, it is not a definite signal that you don’t have a problem with insects and creatures. Many can infiltrate your property, build a nest, and live for months without being noticed. Depending on their size and where they reside, you may miss them completely. That is until they significantly damaged your belongings. By then, it could be too late. This is what people face with termites.

In the United States each year, wood-eating termites generate $5 billion in deterrence and recuperation costs. It’s not easy to recover from the wreckage of these insects. To make matters worse, the average insurance company won’t alleviate these expenses. Learn what the hints are of termites, and how you can stop them with Action Pest Control.

What Are the Signs of a Termite Infestation? What Are the Dangers?

One of the first things you need to know about termites is that they have three sectors in their colonies: workers, soldiers, and swarmers. While the color and size of each group vary by species, the workers most prominent in this region are white or grayish-white. In terms of length, they are about 0.12 of an inch. Wood is destroyed by them primarily. The soldiers that protect them are set apart by their dominant jaws and rectangular heads. Termites aren’t easy to detect because these two units live in soil and behind walls. Swarmers, on the other hand, venture out to mate and erect new nests. These winged creatures are black, yellow, or brown. They are ½ of an inch long. Being attracted to light, you might catch them by windows and lamps. They are a major sign of infestation. Other signs are:

  • Finding shed swarmer wings that are scaly and translucent 
  • Discovering quantities of fecal frass by the holes, mud tubes, and maze patterns of termites
  • Noticing that foundations are sounding hollow
  • Hearing soft noises from the inside of walls
  • Seeing that paint is becoming spotty and frothy 
  • Observing that drywall is slumping and discolored
  • Tiles falling apart 
  • Floorboards conceding under slight pressure 
  • Firm window frames and doors

The feeding activities of termites on decomposing wood help sustain the environment, as it provides soil with restorative nutrients. This allows plants and trees to grow and flourish. It’s often at a great cost to humans though. The walls and bases of your home or business will decline, and could potentially cave. If someone happens to be standing beneath one when that occurs, they might be seriously injured. Even if that doesn’t come about, you may have to move to another domicile or building. Commercial operations may need to cease for an undefined amount of time. Another issue to anticipate with termites is allergic reactions. Disease won’t be a factor.

What Are Ways to Prevent Termites?

Lawn and building maintenance is key to termite prevention:

  • Remove or repair damaged or rotting wood 
  • Have leaks and moisture defects fixed; particularly those affecting wood 
  • Seal gaps in utility lines, foundations, with caulking 
  • Put screens on all exterior vents 
  • Regularly clean gutters and vents
  • Place plants and woodpiles two feet away from the property
  • Don’t sit free wood, like fire logs, on the soil 
  • Cut the grass and trim greenery often
  • Have annual professional inspections by Action Pest Control

How Will Action Pest Control Exterminate Termites?

The licensed technicians at Action Pest Control will apply Termidor® and/or install a Sentricon Termite Colony Elimination System with bait. These safe, industry-standard tools are made to efficiently wipe out termite populations. Retail items cannot compare. Guarantees and damage warranties are available. Call us today at Action Pest Control for a free no-obligation inspection!