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Are Centipedes In Louisville Dangerous?

centipede on the ground

In our great state of Kentucky, we have a lot to be proud of. Horses, hoops, delicious restaurants, amazing scenery — you name it, we’ve got it. And us Louisville residents like to think that our city leads the way. That must be why we take so much pride in our beautiful homes and well-kept properties. But homeowners know just how frustrating it can be to keep the local pests out of Louisville homes and off their properties (after all, the wonderful nature scenes nearby come with no shortage of wildlife).

Spiders, house flies, mosquitoes, and rodents will invade Louisville homes and yards, and there’s not a whole lot we can do about it. When pests want in, they can usually find a way. However, when pests stay in your basement, crawlspaces, and attics, it’s really not so bad. We can accept a few bugs in the yard and behind the fridge, but what happens when they find their way into the bathroom? That’s where we draw the line. So, even though they aren’t necessarily harmful to humans, let’s talk about the Louisville centipede problem — always near the top of the bathroom invader list.

Louisville Centipedes

We all know that centipedes in Louisville have a hundred legs (well, actually they can have a range of fifteen to one-hundred-fifty), but why do they love the bathroom so much? These yellow or brown pests will crawl out from under your bathroom counter at the worst times, literally catching you with your pants around your ankles. Their affinity for moisture is what draws them into the bathroom, along with their eating habits. They enjoy hanging out in moist, dark places because that’s where they can hunt for other pests.

That’s right, these pests, which can grow up to six inches long, are carnivorous, eating mainly other small pests like spiders and ants. Even the smaller-sized centipedes are talented hunters because of their relative speed and venom. But don’t worry, you can probably outrun them, and they are not dangerous to humans.

Proper Prevention Strategies

While they may not be dangerous, they are definitely a nuisance. Sure, they’re limiting pest activity in your home, but they’re ruining your peace of mind on the toilet or in the shower, which is not a worthwhile trade. Plus, they’ll destroy your outdoor plants by eating the decaying matter in the soil before the plants get the nutrients they need. So how do you prevent them? If you follow a few helpful guidelines, you may be able to keep centipedes off your property.

  • Moisture maintenance: Controlling the humidity levels in your crawl spaces and basements can help reduce the number of pests that want to set up shop within your walls. Fewer pests mean less food for centipedes, so they’ll move on to other properties. You should also check for leaking pipes around the AC unit, in the basement, and under sinks.
  • Yard clutter: Reduce large piles of leaves in the yard as these attract centipedes. They’ll also be in search of lawn decorations and stones to hide under.
  • Seal off entry points: By reducing the ways they can infiltrate your home, you can limit all pests from entering. With a lack of food, even the centipedes which are already in your house will leave.

If you follow these guidelines, you might not have too many problems. However, nothing you can do on your own will guarantee centipede and other pest prevention. For guaranteed results in keeping pests out, contact Action Pest Control today to get started and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Lousiville.