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The Best Advice You Can Hear About Paper Wasps In Jasper

a paper wasp on a plant

When you think of stinging pests such as wasps, bees and yellow jackets, are you only concerned that they might sting you? No one wants to be stung and end up with a large, red, welt that is an unpleasant nuisance for a number of days. And some stinging insects are capable of stinging more than once. Each type of stinging insect is unique in the way it looks and behaves. Paper wasps, for example; how can we tell them apart from other stinging insects?  

Paper wasp have slender, narrow-waisted bodies that are about an inch long. They’re usually orange or reddish-brown in color and they have yellow markings on their head, thorax, and the band of their abdomen. They have smoky black wings that are folded together lengthwise alongside their bodies, and unlike bees, their bodies are not fuzzy.

Paper wasps have round nests made of upside-down paper combs that are water-resistant. This makes it easier for them to survive in poor weather conditions. Before discussing how to get rid of these stinging insects, let’s acknowledge some of their positive attributes because it’s not all bad.

  • They provide natural pest control. Paper wasps chew up caterpillars and other insects to feed their wasp larvae. This naturally keeps the local pest populations in check.
  • They are good for gardens. Paper wasps feed on nectar and help the process of pollination.
  • They don’t sting very much. Paper wasps aren’t known for stinging, but they do sting when they are disturbed or feel threatened, so it’s a good idea to stay out of their way!

If paper wasps feel like their colony is in danger, they will sting. The sting can lead to swelling, itching, redness, and even allergic reactions depending on the situation. Paper wasps become the most active in the early spring months and they tend to build their nests in a variety of structures like decks, sheds, swing sets, etc. In order to make your property less attractive to paper wasps, here are some prevention tips to take into consideration:

  • Eliminate sources of food (human and pet food) and don’t leave them outside.
  • Keep all doors and windows shut when possible.
  • Use caulking the seal cracks and crevices around the foundation of the home.
  • Use wasp-repelling plants like wormwood, marigold, mint, basil, and geranium.
  • Keep an eye out for wasp nests in sheds, garages, wall cavities, etc.
  • Keep garbage cans tightly sealed and cover any piles of compost.
  • Pick up trash and clean spills as soon as they happen.
  • Cover up holes in the ground with cement or grass.

If you do discover any kind of paper wasp activity on your property, it’s important that you never try to remove a paper wasp nest on your own. This can be extremely dangerous, especially when you don’t have the proper training or equipment. Action Pest Control offers complete coverage for common stinging pests such as paper wasps. We provide a thorough inspection, a detailed identification, and then we come up with a customized treatment plan to meet your particular needs.
Our certified technicians are experienced in eliminating all kinds of nests, and we have the necessary tools and expertise to do it safely. Don’t try to do it by yourself, let us help you. Call us today for more prevention tips and/or safe wasp removal services for an existing nest. We look forward to servicing you.