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What Happens To Spiders In Indianapolis In The Winter?

a spider in a home

Not every pest problem goes away just because the weather outside gets cool. While many pests cannot survive the chill of winter, spiders in Indianapolis are equipped with natural defenses against inclement weather, which means they can stay alive all year long, hunting the bugs that may have infiltrated your property to escape the cold. Learning how to prevent and spot the signs of a spider infestation can help keep you protected from bites during the time of year you should be staying safe and cozy indoors. 

Spiders Are Survivors

Unlike other small bugs, spiders don’t have to worry about freezing to death. That’s because their blood contains a compound similar to antifreeze, keeping their limbs from going rigid or their bodies from shutting down in low temperatures. This natural trait allows spiders to stay active during the cold months, and they go where the food is. During winter, that likely means indoors, as insects and other pests find ways in so they can hunker down and stay warm. Often, a spider population has always been there but becomes more noticeable due to the fact that they’ve grown and bred. 

How Spiders Get Inside & Where They Hide

Unlike other pests that must forage indoors for food and water, spiders are only looking to hunt. They can survive outdoors or in the hard-to-reach corners of a property, so they simply lie in wait for other bugs to get snared in their webs. As such, there are specific areas spiders often look to nest and spin their webs: 

  • Corners: Most property owners have discovered spider webs in the corners of their walls, whether they are up near the ceiling or tucked up underneath the porch. These areas provide spiders with ample points to anchor their webs.
  • Wood: Aside from the easy web areas provided by porches and roof trim, spiders are also attracted to woody areas. Homes and other human structures provide these areas in abundance.
  • Shadows: Most spiders are nocturnal hunters, meaning they often hide in dark areas during the day. This is why basements and crawl spaces are often infested.

Spider Prevention For Your Property 

Spotting the signs of a spider problem is good, but preventing them from forming in the first place is even better. Here are some tips that will help you manage existing pest populations and prevent them from growing and attracting spiders to feed: 

  • Crack sealing: Even tiny holes or cracks in a structure can be a wide open passage for small critters. Frequently inspect for and fix these potential access points.  
  • Windows & doors: Spiders and other pests can easily crawl through a tear in a screen or under the gap left beneath a door. Install and maintain proper screens and door sweeps to keep bugs out.
  • Landscaping: Overgrown vegetation, especially plants that grow right alongside of structures, provide spiders with all kinds of hunting grounds that will inevitably lead them indoors.
  • Food storage: This won’t affect spiders directly but rather the bugs they feed on. If insect populations can thrive off of stored foods or crumbs left behind, spiders will have lots of prey to feed on. Solve one problem by addressing the others.

A Call To Action

Spiders are such common invasive pests that you probably have an infestation somewhere on or near your property already. Don’t wait for the population to grow and become noticeable before you act; get started on proper prevention and removal right away. At Action Pest Control, we can provide even more spider prevention tips and get started on an inspection right away. We’ll determine what services are needed and work with your time and budget to provide the best pest protection for your Indianapolis property. Whether spiders are already hunting or not, we’ll make sure to address all the problems that contribute to their numbers, including other pests. 

For proper protection from spiders and other invasive pests, contact Action today.