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Three Signs You May Have A Termite Problem On Your Owensboro Property

big termite on wood

Everyone’s heard a termite horror story or two. Maybe the neighbors down the street had a wall cave in after months of an unknown infestation, or a relative found their woodshed infested with millions of the tiny pests. No matter where they are or how long they’ve been there, termites should be taken seriously. Proper termite prevention and control aren’t easy, but we’re here to help.

Termites: A Costly Problem

Like ants, termites in Owensboro are colonizing insects that utilize a caste system to survive. They build mounds and intricate tunnel networks that allow them to carve through wide swaths of land, all while devouring any wood they come across. Because of their subterranean ways, people aren’t likely to spot termites or even the signs of them. Often, the only way people catch a termite population on their property early is if they are doing household construction or landscaping that reveals colonies or their indicators.

There’s no way to know just how much damage these industrious pests cause or have caused throughout human history, but estimates and studies by major insurers in the country estimate that over 600,000 homes have termite damage every year. That’s just damaged residences; it doesn't even account for commercial businesses that can also have infestations. 

Signs Of Termite Damage & Activity

Spotting tiny termites is a tall order. They live underground and therefore stick to dark areas and avoid light, meaning the chewing and boring they do into household materials or structures is going to be in areas that we don’t see.

However, there are some things to look for when trying to make routine inspections of your property, and if you spot damage, you need to act quickly:

  • Nests and mud tubes: Here in Owensboro, we mostly deal with subterranean termites. This species doesn't build mounds like other varieties, meaning their nests are out of sight. However, they build mud tubes to connect their colonies to food sources, so frequently inspecting the areas where soil touches your home for these access points is necessary.
  • Warping wood: As termites hollow out wood, it buckles and changes shape. Often, people will notice ill-fitting windows, doors, or floorboards before they spot termites or chew marks themselves.
  • Moisture buildup: While some termites prefer only dry woods, many require damp or sodden woods and soils that provide water and easier chewing. Areas where water pools outside or inside of the home can be an attractant.

Prevention Tips For Your Property

The best way to avoid pest problems is to stay up on simple prevention measures that can protect your Owensboro property. Here are just a few of the most common ways you can help your own cause:

  • Crack sealing: Termites can’t chew through concrete foundations, but the weathering and changing pressure of the landscape on your home or business causes faults and cracks over time. Regularly inspecting for and sealing these types of entry points will prevent pests from getting inside.
  • Moisture control: Areas of pooling moisture attract pests of all kinds, especially termites that like wet wood. Proper pipe and well maintenance are important, as well as adequate home ventilation. 
  • Wood storage: Households with fireplaces or wood stoves should pay close attention to where they store their logs, as close proximity to your residence gives them easier access to the interior.

Time Is Money

Because the signs are so hard to spot, and because the longer an infestation goes unnoticed, the worse it can be, the best course of action for proper prevention is to turn to the termite control professionals. At Action Pest Control, we can provide thorough inspections of your property, inside and out, and provide even more tips for problem areas to address. If signs of termites are found, only professional solutions can deal with termites quickly and effectively.

Don’t wait to get your home or business inspected for termites, contact Action Pest today.