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Are You Ready For Another Early Mosquito Season In Evansville?

a mosquito on a pool

Whether or not you’re ready for these early spring biters, here they come! Here in Evansville, warm weather returns to our landscape as early as mid-April. This means that the return of household pests, especially blood-sucking mosquitoes, is close at hand.

Early mosquitoes in Evansville can be attributed to the mild winters often experienced in the southern states, allowing bugs to flourish sooner than usual. Some of the primary elements of a mild winter include:

  • Less sticking snow and ground frost 
  • High amounts of rainfall 
  • Temperatures consistently above freezing (33 degrees Fahrenheit or greater) 
  • Abnormal heat spikes that cause small plants to sprout 
  • An earlier start to the growing season

As moisture-loving pests, mosquitoes have no problem starting their life cycles as soon as the weather changes. The rising water levels, rainfall, and springtime flooding will activate any waiting eggs and jumpstart the mosquito hatching process. Within 48 hours, eggs will hatch into water-bound larvae, and emerge two weeks later as adult mosquitoes. If your house has backed-up drains, moist soils, and stagnant water ponds, your bug-free lawn will quickly become overrun with biting pests within the next few weeks. The problems that come with high mosquito populations affect not just your family, but any surrounding neighbors as well.

Mosquitoes are notorious disease carriers, meaning that a single bite has the ability to transmit malaria, Zika virus, and other dangerous bacteria. The constant biting and whining of mosquito populations will quickly ruin your outdoor festivities. Continuous bites can lead to anemia in victims that receive specific strands of malaria, as well as chronic health conditions that may affect the development of unborn children.

Whether or not the spring season has truly arrived in force, the effects of high mosquito populations certainly will – and very soon.

How To Manage The Effects Of An Early Mosquito Season

There are certain conditions around your property that may attract a higher mosquito population than normal. Several of these include:

  • Stagnant water sources such as ponds, fountains, and birdbaths 
  • Tarps, toys, tires, and other things in the lawn that could be holding onto or creating water sources 
  • Overgrown or lush greenery that brushes against the home, especially flowers with a strong source of pollen

While reducing these factors may not necessarily abate established mosquito infestations, following these rules of thumb in your yard can greatly reduce your chances for bites and overpopulation this spring.

  • Reduce Clutter: Remove mosquito harborage points around the yard, taking care to remove any objects that could be contributing to the problem. Filling in ditches or low spots with topsoil is an excellent way to address this.
  • Maintain The Yard: Using whatever tools necessary, trim back shrubbery and problematic tree branches from the sides of the home. Keep your lawn cut to the recommended length in your area, often 3 inches. This prevents mosquitoes from laying eggs in hard-to-reach places.
  • Use Seasonal Pest Control Programs: Offense is often the best defense, and usually the preferred method of keeping mosquito populations low. If you do not already have an established seasonal mosquito abatement plan, consider receiving monthly or quarterly services that address the foundations of infestation before they occur.  

If you are concerned that mosquito overpopulation is already established in your lawn, it is imperative to act quickly before the pest reproductive cycles swing into full effect. Receive a complimentary home inspection immediately to address mosquito concerns before they get worse.

Take Action Against Evansville Mosquitoes With Action Pest Control

The best way to lower mosquito populations around your property is with seasonal mosquito treatments with a professional pest control company. For assistance in planning for and terminating existing mosquito infestations, contact Action Pest Control today.