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How To Limit Your Mosquito Exposure Risk In Terre Haute

a hungry mosquito up close

Mosquitoes in Terre Haute are due to return soon, if they have not already arrived. However, most people have their sights set on spending a lot more time outdoors. The return of mosquitoes is mostly due to the warm, humid conditions. If your yard provides ample opportunities for mosquitoes to lay their eggs in standing water, then their populations will increase exponentially.

There is so much fun to be had in your own backyard, including picnics, barbecues, parties, games, sports, and just relaxing; it isn't much fun, however, if your time outdoors is spent swatting at mosquitoes or running for cover when their persistence becomes overwhelming. You avoid mosquito bites because they cause itchy bumps but, more importantly, you should avoid their bites to prevent the transmission of mosquito-borne illnesses that they carry to you or your family. If mosquitoes are in your backyard, you are at risk for Zika, West Nile, malaria, yellow fever, chikungunya, and dengue fever. Not all mosquitoes carry these diseases, but the rate is rising every year. Why risk it?

Preventing mosquitoes on your property

Some of your best personal protection methods include wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants whenever you go outdoors, avoiding marshy areas and woodlands where mosquitoes will be more prevalent, wearing an effective mosquito repellent like DEET or lemon eucalyptus, and using a high-powered fan on your deck when outdoors may blow mosquitoes away.

Since it’s impossible to eliminate every single mosquito, there are a few steps you can take to discourage mosquitoes from breeding on your property:

  • Eliminate standing water by going around your yard and emptying items that are collecting water. Look for things like tools, toys, tarps, kiddie pools, buckets, and wheelbarrows.
  • Repair leaky spigots.
  • Clean out clogged gutters.
  • Make sure that water is draining well from your yard.

Even after trying these avoidance methods and prevention tips, you may still find yourself inundated with a large mosquito population. The best way to limit your mosquito exposure risk in Terre Haute is to call on the professionals at Action Pest Control. We offer a unique mosquito control program created to target mosquitoes specific to the area. We start with a thorough inspection to find common breeding spots and frequent landing sites. Once a month, during mosquito season (April through October), our professionals will return to treat your Terre Haute home to drastically reduce the mosquito population. We also offer special one-time services for parties, weddings, and other outdoor events.

It’s not too late! For more information about our Terre Haute mosquito control programs, contact Action Pest Control today!