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Benefits Of Year-Round Pest Control Services

family laughing in a pest free home

Most of us living here in Lexington feel pretty lucky to be able to experience four seasons throughout the year. It is something that we have come to enjoy and anticipate. We look forward to the variety that each season brings, i.e. flowers in spring or fall foliage. While there are many positives to living in a four-season area, one major drawback is dealing with new pest pressures each season.

For this reason, Action Pest Control has developed year-round pest control plans. With each new season comes new actions against pests around your home that must be taken. We have come up with four different action plans to choose from, dependent on your individual needs and concerns. All of our programs offer convenient scheduling.

The first program is the “Essential” plan, which is perfect for homeowners who are more concerned about maintaining preventative measures on the exterior of the home and who have minimal pest activity inside of the home. This program provides bi-monthly pest control during the months of March through October when pests are most active. Along with exterior preventative measures, your Action technician will remove cobwebs, wasp nests, etc.

The next level is the “Advanced” plan, an option that has quarterly services. With this program, a thorough inspection of your home and property will be done by a technician each visit. They will treat any existing pest activity and could include treating entry points, residual barrier application, and landscaping. A technician will do follow up visits as well. With this plan or any level above it, homeowners are guaranteed free service calls between visits if a pest-related problem arises.

The third plan is the “Complete” program, a bi-monthly pest control service. It has very similar perks to the Advanced plan, however, it includes termite monitoring.

The highest level of our pest control plans is the “Premier” program. With our Premier plan, pest control is taken to another level. It includes all the benefits of the Complete plan but with superior action against all pests, including termites. You will receive bi-monthly inspections where our top line prevention techniques will be used to protect your home.

Why let seasonal pests take the joy out of each new season and the excitement it brings? By choosing one our year-round programs from Action Pest Control, you are choosing to say goodbye to seasonal pests once and for all.