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Brown Recluse Spider Prevention Tips You Need To Know

a brown recluse in your home

Like many pests, spiders are beginning to look for shelter as the temperatures drop. If a spider can make it through the winter without having to go dormant it will, and if your home is accessible, it is likely one of the best places for these and other pests to overwinter. Our reaction to spiders, in general, varies from a shrug to a scream, and for a house spider or jumping spider it's completely subjective, but for Lexington homeowners there are one species of spider that we all want very much to be aware of and to get rid of if we see it, and that's the brown recluse.

The brown recluse spider is one of two dangerously venomous spiders in North America, and though normally it seeks to avoid human contact, the promise of a warm nook to hole up in can draw them inside, where our coming across them is much more likely. The brown recluse will find an out of the way spot to call home, perhaps a dark corner of the attic or an unsecured storage bin, and use it as a base from which to hunt. Females will spin webs on which to lay eggs, the number of which she can lay in a few months being around 300. Normally brown recluse bites occur due to unavoidable close contact, such as stepping into a shoe with a spider in it or putting on clothing with a spider in it. Though it would rather escape, the recluse will bite if threatened, those bites can cause serious pain, and serious damage to skin tissue if not treated right. It is recommended that you go to the hospital if bitten by a brown recluse.

Preventing brown recluse spiders is much the same as preventing other spiders. The first step is denying them entry, which means ensuring that your house is sealed up tight. It takes only a very small space for spiders to get through, but luckily these are usually quick fixes as well. Next, you want to deny the spiders a friendly habitat. Keeping spaces neat will cut down on hiding places for them, and ensuring that storage containers and the like are well sealed will keep spiders out of your stuff. Considerations around the house include ensuring that debris is cleaned up and brush managed close to the house. Firewood is also a common haunt for brown recluse spiders and should be kept in mind as a potential avenue of entry into the home, in addition to a potential point of contact. Finally, recognizing that spiders go to where the prey is is key to avoiding their infesting your home. If you notice other insects in your Lexington home, it is more likely to be a habitable place for spiders; this also means that if you notice spiders infesting your home, you may want to check for other pests.

In the end you may be better off calling in some professional help. Action Pest Control can go over your home in detail, searching every nook and cranny that may house spiders such as the the brown recluse. We'll give you a solid estimate of what it will take to secure your house against spiders and other pests, and can provide ongoing monitoring and protection. Brown recluse spiders are not something you want to have to live with in Lexington, and with Action Pest Control you can rest easy knowing that our service is your solution.