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Spotlight Employee: Derek Taylor

employee spotlight

Q. How long have you been with Action?

A. 9 years

Q. What three words best describe you?

A. Persistent, stubborn, and active

Q. What is your favorite thing about working at Action Pest Control?

A. Work environment. I've always enjoyed showing up for work here.

Q. What would people never guess you do in your work with Action?

A. Drink a lot of coffee. Not because I need it, just because I love it.

Q. What is the first thing you'd buy if you won the lottery?

A. Trump Tower. Then maybe a boat or something.

Q. What's your favorite restaurant or favorite food?

A. I'm a porterhouse guy from pretty much any steakhouse.

Q. What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?

A. Spend time with my family and play golf.

Q. In what city/state were you born?

A. Owensboro, KY

Q. Any hidden talents?

A. I play the guitar and drums. Not exactly rockstar status on either, though!