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Lexington’s Share Of Pests

Green Grass in front of a house

Spring has sprung in the greater Lexington area. Plants are peeping out of the ground, trees are beginning to bud and those pesky spring bugs have made their appearance. While the fresh growth of flowers and the emergence of spring birds are a welcome sight, no one enjoys spring pests. Lexington residents have already begun searching for bug exterminators.

Ants have shown up in full force. Mosquitoes are beginning to buzz and flies are everywhere. Millipedes and spiders, while not a structural threat to the home, are rapidly becoming a pesky nuisance. Regardless of which pest has invaded your property, Action Pest Control is the bug exterminator of choice for Lexington, KY residents. We have been in business for 70 years, have more than 120 employees, 10 branch locations, 4-bed bug sniffing dogs, board-certified entomologists on staff and over 70 state certified pest management professionals.

Action Pest Control’s home pest control services are designed to meet all your pest management needs. We have four convenient and effective home pest control services to choose from, with the all-inclusive Premier Pest Control Program being the most complete and most popular among Lexington residents. The Premier plan provides protection from more than 40 household pests, including ants, cockroaches, termites, spiders, mice, stinging insects and many more.

Our technicians are not just bug exterminators; in addition to removal, extermination and protection, we’ll remove those dreaded cobwebs and vacuum your window sills as needed. You will enjoy exterior pest defense as well as interior pest treatment. Your technician will set up exterior rodent stations and provide guaranteed rodent control. The Premier Pest Control Program also includes an annual attic inspection and fully guarantees all services.

Every homeowner dreads to even hear the word termite mentioned. With Action Pest Control’s Premier Pest Control Program, your home will be monitored for any termite activity. Your home will be thoroughly inspected for termites and, in the event of a termite infestation, you will receive complete termite treatment with our termite warranty.

As you can see, protecting your home is no small task. Many areas must be covered and multiple things are taken into consideration. Each insect, bug, rodent and household pest is treated differently. Times have changed, technology continues to be more advanced and methodology calls for new and improved approaches. Here at Action Pest Control, we have stayed an industry leader with our highly trained technicians using the most state of the art methods and tools available. Our focus always has and always will be to provide the best pest control solutions for both residential and commercial clients throughout Lexington and surrounding area. Stop pests this spring and for the rest of the year by taking action and getting Action Pest Control.