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Louisville Kentucky Zika Threat

a mosquito on a person

The Zika virus is causing quite a stir in our nation's capital. Response to the threat of a Zika outbreak here in the United States is a topic of great debate in Congress. And rightfully so. This is a virus that has been proven to cause damage to unborn children at all stages of pregnancy, which can lead to lifelong hardship and complications for families, so it is not surprising that we are getting hit with a lot of questions regarding Zika virus, and the possibility of an outbreak in our service area throughout Kentucky. Here's what you need to know.

The Current Status Of Zika In Kentucky.

There are only a few reported cases of Zika virus currently in Kentucky, and it does not yet appear to be spreading through local mosquito populations. The cases reported are of those who have recently traveled to countries where Zika virus is spread locally. While this is good news, we should take it with pensive optimism. These are only the travelers who have sought medical attention for this virus. More could be scattered throughout the state.

A Zika Outbreak Has The Potential To Spread Without Warning.

80% of individuals infected with Zika virus show no symptoms. This makes it hard to detect an outbreak in time to take appropriate containment measures. Currently there is no known cure for Zika.

Zika Virus Is Spread By Mosquitoes Found Throughout Kentucky.

Zika is spread by mosquito, specifically the Aedes aegypti and the Aedes albopictus. Both of these mosquitoes can be found in Kentucky. When these mosquitoes bite an infected individual, they become a carrier for the virus and spread it to others. Since we have no idea how many infected travelers there are in the state, we have no idea where, when, or if an outbreak will occur.

Take Precaution.

Prevention is the only protection against this virus. When you go out, be sure to apply mosquito repellent that has DEET or oil of lemon eucalyptus, wear long sleeves and pants if possible, choose colors that are brighter, and avoid mornings and evenings when mosquitoes are more active. It is also vital to consider mosquito control for your home or business. Government municipalities use mosquito control as the first line of defense against mosquito-borne diseases because it works.

Join us in protecting our children, our families, our communities, and our state from this dangerous life-changing virus. It only takes one bite from the wrong mosquito. Take action and get Action Pest Control to help keep Kentucky safe.