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Central Indiana Residents Seeing More Ants Inside Their Homes This Spring

ants coming in a home

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. - Ants in Indianapolis are on the move and central Indiana exterminators tell us they are busy fighting them this spring.

AAA Exterminating says they have been getting anywhere from 100-300 calls a day and most of those calls are about ants.

The wet spring and the mild winter has led to more ants marching and they’re coming right inside many homes.

Exterminators say spraying the outside of the home and putting down bait traps inside can make a big difference.

“On the inside you wanna use some sort of bait. Let the ants take the bait down to the nest and kill out the entire nest," said Carey Donamaria with Action Pest Control.

Troy McIntyre with AAA Exterminating says treatments this year are working well on the persistent ants.

“We’ve been very lucky this year. We’ve had good luck taking care of the problems between the baits and the liquid products. We’re getting very good control," said McIntyre.

Experts advise to seal up cracks, doors and entryways into your home.

Keep moisture away from your home’s foundation and keep landscaping back away from the home.

Keep the kitchen and eating areas clean.

Crumbs and sugary spills can also attract ants in a short period of time.

A year long pest maintenance program can starts at around $250.00.

To view complete video as it aired on CBS 4, click here.