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Bed Bugs: Hitchhiking Through Lexington

a bed bug on a person

The bed bug is a very unique creature with several interesting characteristics. They are almost totally nocturnal, living in cracks and crevices. They feed off human blood and have done so for centuries. The good news is that they are not known to transmit any disease and pose no serious medical risk. These flat, round bugs are reddish brown and approximately 1/4th inch in length. They are well represented in almost every corner of the world and certainly inhabit Lexington, Kentucky, as well as the rest of the United States.

Bed bugs in Lexington do not have wings and cannot jump but will travel from room to room. They have the ability to hide in folds of clothing, seams of luggage, and personal items such as purses and computer bags. They can go for long periods of time without food. These invasive bugs can hide behind wallpaper and inside box springs, making total eradication rather difficult. It is no wonder that they rate near the top of the list of dreaded pests.

The characteristics and behavior of the bed bug enables it to easily hitchhike from one location to another. One can walk in to a motel, set down a piece of luggage, get a night’s rest, pack up in the morning, and head home totally unaware that bed bugs may have climbed on or in a piece of luggage and hitchhiked home with the traveler.

Traveling is something that people do often—some for pleasure and others for business. The mode of travel may be determined by the economics of the day. There are times when an airplane ride without overnight stays may be the most efficient and economic method of travel. For others, jumping into the family car and heading out may be the preferred choice, stopping at a motel each night to rest. This seems to be the more popular mode of travel today with the price of gasoline dropping to an affordable level.

These lower gas prices give travelers and vacationers the luxury of driving, taking their time, enjoying the scenery, and resting at night in their favorite brand of motel. The currently low gasoline prices allow more people to travel than when gas was $4.00 (or more) per gallon. The more people travel, the more they use motels. A steady stream of travelers coming in and out of motels means an increased risk of exposure to bed bugs.

Don’t stay home because of this—just be wise and exercise preventive measures. Carefully check bed sheets and mattresses for any sign of bed bug activity. Use the metal suitcase rack rather than setting the luggage directly on the floor. Do not unpack the suitcase into the dresser drawers. If there is any sign of a possible bed bug presence, contact the front desk immediately and change rooms or possibly even motels.

Help keep Lexington free from bed bugs by inspecting your clothing and luggage thoroughly as soon as you return home from traveling; and remember, don’t hesitate to contact Action Pest Control and utilize our professional home pest control services to identify and eradicate any bed bugs that may have hitchhiked home with you.