Before a commercial establishment can really consider fumigation services they should have a good understanding of the process. Fumigation is a technique where a fumigant at specific temperature and pressure can exist in a gaseous state. This fumigant or chemical, in sufficient concentration, will be used to eradicate pests.
This fumigation process is often a necessary procedure to be able to quickly and thoroughly eradicate pests. The fumigation is much more effective than other methods of pest control as the fumigant gas circulates and spreads to all areas of infestation that other systems are less effective in and unable to reach.
Action Pest Control has a tailored solution to efficiently provide reliable fumigation services. Our dedicated fumigation teams are proficient in providing structural and container fumigation services. We are an industry leader in pest management services providing some of the nation’s largest structural fumigation procedures. Fumigation is also an excellent choice for various structures including single family residential homes. There are many pests that are successfully eradicated with fumigation. The pests that are effectively treated with this technique include psocids, grain and flour beetles, bed bugs, spiders, rodents, and other pests.
Our fumigation professionals will inspect and then recommend the most appropriate treatment based on each situation. Some of the facilities in which we offer fumigation services include:
- Single family homes
- Pharmaceutical plants
- Food facilities
- Grain bins and seed processors
- Flour mills
- Warehouses
- Barges, tractor trailer, and rail car containers
- Museum collections
- Clocks, furniture and antiques
It is a serious procedure to have a fumigation done in your home or business and needs to be done by properly trained technicians. Here at Action Pest Control, our educated team will professionally guide you through the entire process. After meeting with the fumigation team, you will know what you must do to prepare for fumigation. Family members will be notified and any items that need to be packaged or removed will be identified. Drawers and doors inside the home will be opened to allow the fumigant to reach every needed area. There are many other frequently asked questions and the Action fumigation team will cover all questions and thoroughly explain every step of the process.
Remember, fumigation treatments are not limited to buildings. There are certain belongings that can be fumigated to control pest infestations. Some of these include furniture, antique clocks, and other similar items.
Your Action Pest Control experts will tailor treatments to meet each of your pest control needs. If you are struggling with pests, give us a call and see how we can help you be rid of them.
Everything You Need To Know About The Fumigation Process in Indiana, Illinois & Kentucky
Extermination Services You Can Trust