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Is Your Indianapolis Business Ready For A Pest Sweep?

a large commercial building

Owning a business is a challenge. Anyone who says it isn’t has never owned a business. Sometimes corners have to be cut and tough choices have to be made. We understand, but some corners should never be cut. These are the corners that can come back to haunt you and destroy all you've worked so hard to build.

Are You Aware Of Code Enforcement Sweeps?

Being a business owner, we assume you follow the local news. So, there is a good chance you've heard about Code Enforcement Sweeps in Indianapolis. If you have not, these sweeps are a joint effort between the Indianapolis Department of Code Enforcement, IMPD, the Fire Department, the State Fire Marshall's Office, and the Marion County Public Health Department. The goal of these sweeps is to force motels in the area to clean up their act. If you own a motel or hotel in the Indianapolis area, you should be taking immediate measures to guard against these sweeps. If you own another type of business in the Indianapolis area, it is only a matter of time before these sweeps grow to threaten your business as well.

Are These Government Sweeps A Bad Thing?

No, of course not! They are necessary to ensure that businesses maintain a safe environment for guests, and if they find that you've broken a code, they aren't going to necessarily throw the book at you. Often, they will show where corrective measures need to be taken and schedule a follow-up visit. The most effective way to avoid harsh corrective measures is to show that you, as the business owner, are already making an effort to correct issues.

It is never a good idea to get on the bad side of any of these agencies. At best, you'll be put on their list for future inspections and have added hassles on top of everything else you have to deal with. At worst, you could be faced with a forced closure.

Be Proactive

There are two easy ways you can make your business ready for a surprise inspection sweep. Make sure you and your staff do a daily assessment of problems that are a danger to your guests and create documents that outline a plan to fix these problems. Make sure you have a professional pest control plan in place to address cockroaches and bed bugs. An infestation of either of these Indianapolis pests can put your business out of compliance and put you in a tougher place than you already are.

If you need help assessing your pest issues, call and find out about our free inspection services. At Action Pest Control, we help businesses stay pest-free and stay in business with our effective commercial pest control services in Indianapolis.