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Action Pest Control And Education In Indianapolis

yellow chairs in a classroom

Bugs have a fascinating role to play in the ecosystem around us. Some bugs pollinate flowers. Some help to recycle trees that have fallen in the forest. There are countless roles to play in nature, and every organism has a job to do. But when insects and other creatures come into our yards and get into our homes, they can be a threat to our health and our property. That is why we believe pest education is so important. Here are two of the ways Action Pest Control works to share this important knowledge.

Bug Petting Zoo

Understanding the benefits and potential dangers of pests is vital for the health and safety of our children. Which is why we started up the bug petting zoo. It gives kids a chance to get up close and personal with bugs and allows us to share how important bugs are and what dangers to watch out for. When kids are armed with this knowledge they learn to appreciate the role bugs play and respect the threats they can pose.

It might sound strange to have a bug petting zoo, but you would be amazed to see how the kids react to a big hairy spider or a strange looking millipede. It can be like holding an alien creature in your hands. Even children who say there is no way they're getting near these organisms find themselves getting in close, and often touching one before the event is over.

At Action Pest Control, we think that equipping teachers, parents and students with the tools they need to not only study bugs and wildlife but to share that knowledge is vital. Standing on this belief, we openly promote and support This amazing website offers complete lesson plans for teachers that adhere to standards set forth by the National Science Teachers Association and the National Council of Teachers of English. Parents find useful facts about household pests that are written in a way they can be easily taught to their children. This helps make playing in the yard safer. is jam-packed full of fun videos, interesting eBooks, video games, crafts and study guides. Kids can even learn how to pick a bug, group bug facts, and develop a report that has an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. This website is an ad-free website, so parents don’t have to be concerned about what is popping up in front of their children’s view.

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At Action Pest Control, we are committed to education. Understanding how a bug or wild animal can turn into a pest is essential in keeping our property safe and our families healthy.