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Action Recognizes National Pest Management Month

a big ant up close

The National Pest Management Association is a non-profit organization that was formed more than 75 years ago for the purpose of the protection of public health, food and property from damaging pest threats. The NPMA provides guidance to all members of the organization in the areas of certifiable training, cutting edge technology throughout the industry and public and media relations. The NPMA has caused positive effects with a consistent voice for the pest management industry.

There are great opportunities throughout the year for members to mingle and share experiences and ideas, learn all about modern techniques and new tools at each workshop or conference and trade show. This information and new technology equips Action Pest Control and other members to provide even better service to their customers.

April has been declared National Pest Management Month for the more than 7000 members of the National Pest Management Association. This year, homeowners are encouraged to be informed and prepared to protect their homes against the spring and summer invasion of pests. “As spring is the perfect time to pest-proof homes, we’re also encouraging homeowners to implement simple prevention steps this April to stave off pest problems during the warmer months when pest populations thrive,” said Missy Henriksen, vice president of public affairs for the NPMA.

Another point of interest is that the NPMA, for the second year in a row, has partnered with renowned home improvement expert Bob Vila during National Pest Management Month. By partnering with him, the NPMA is able to offer prevention tips and advice to homeowners that will assist them with more effective ways to defend their home against those dreaded spring and summer pests. Subterranean termites, ants, mosquitoes and other stinging insects represent just a few of those pesky and damaging springtime pests.

The NPMA, along with Bob Vila, have provided homeowners with a few pest prevention tips to implement during National Pest Management Month. The list of pest proofing tips has one basic theme and is offered to help the homeowner repair and seal any potential points of entry that could allow pests into the home. Action Pest Control, a member of the National Pest Management Association recognizes National Pest Management Month every year during April. Their highly skilled technicians are proficient and will assist homeowners in their spring inspections and implementation of preventive measures as well as any necessary eradication of pests.