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Prevent Pests From Entering Your Home This Winter

Box elder pest

Winter is quickly approaching. Preparing for winter can take a lot of work; you must winterize your home, plan for extra fuel deliveries, budget for snow plowing services, get all those winter hats and mittens out, and make sure that your car has good tires to get through a snowy winter. Unfortunately, we’re here to remind you about a few other preparation measures that must be taken: pest-proofing your home. Pests are also preparing for the winter; they are looking for a warm and cozy place to while away those winter months. If you are not suitably prepared, you may find spiders (including the black widow spider and the brown recluse spider), cockroaches (including the German cockroach and the American cockroach), rodents (including the house mouse and the Norway rat) as well as other nuisance and damaging pests in your home this winter.

To prepare your Lexington property for a pest invasion, follow these helpful tips:

  • Check around your home for places where pests may try to get inside. Close up gaps around doors and windows, as well as areas around where pipes and utility wires come into your home. Install hard wire mesh behind vents and install a chimney cap if you have a fireplace. When winter pests cannot get inside, you won’t have to worry about finding them inside your home.
  • Remove things that may attract pests from around the immediate exterior of your home. Don’t allow trees or shrubs to touch the roof or the side of your home and move woodpiles and debris piles away from the exterior.
  • In the kitchen or pantry, make sure food is not accessible by pests. Never store food on counters, keep foods in tightly sealed containers in the pantry, and take the trash out regularly. These sanitation efforts (as well as regularly vacuuming, sanitizing, and deep cleaning of your kitchen appliances) can help limit pest populations from finding food inside your home this winter.

Since now is the time that pests are looking to enter your home, contacting the professionals at Action for Pest Control in Indianapolis, Louisville, and Terre Haute can help you prevent pests from entering your home this winter. Our year-round pest control program offers comprehensive pest management and termite monitoring for one price; our services are fully guaranteed and environmentally sensitive. Give us a call today to schedule your first appointment and sign up for our TermaPest® System to protect your home from pests all year round!